Life Insurance
- Insurance Claims Payment Automation Solutions

We realize a paperless system, thorough process and deadline management, and simplification of work with no deficiencies in insurance claims work.

Realization of paperless system through BPM image workflow
Simplification, leveling, and automation of work
Shorten the time period by managing due dates

Solution Overview

Claims operations require a high level of insurance knowledge as they involve the handling of various types of forms (claims, receipts, medical certificates, etc.) and the calculation of amounts, etc., based on payment conditions. In addition, paper-based operations are very risky from a BCP perspective because of the strict deadline management and limited locations. As a result, the organization structure becomes highly knowledgeable in terms of administration, and becomes more and more dependent on specialization by individuals. In order to build a flexible organization, it is imperative to eliminate this dependency on individual specialization.
In response to these issues, Claims Image Workflow can provide fundamental solutions from both the administrative and system perspectives, focusing on paperless processing, thorough process and deadline management, and simplification of work with elimination of deficiencies.

We solve these challenges

Paper-based business operation
Realization of BCP measures
Realization of paperless operation
(Becoming location-free)
Thorough management of due dates
Eradication of payment omissions
Systemization of due date management by BPM
Elimination of omissions and shortening of payment periods
Personalized billing process
Incomplete invoices
Navigation of billing recommendations
Generation of tailor-made forms for each customer
(Generation of One-to-One forms)

Solution Details

Realization of Paperless Operations Through BPM Image Workflow


[Features of image workflow with BPM]
①Realization of high-speed and mixed scanning of various forms using a general-purpose high-speed scanner.
②Location free by imaging, enabling the construction of a separate center as a BCP.
 Off-shore and near-shore operations, such as diagnostic form entry, are promoted. Cost reduction is realized.
③Process management from receipt to payment by BPM (due date management and elimination of payment omissions).
 By realizing process management, information is disclosed to section branches, agents, etc. Enhanced customer responsiveness.

Simplification, Leveling, and Automation of Work


①Implementation of the conditions required for billing recommendation in BRMS as "rules."
 The call center operator navigates through the questions on the screen according to the customer's payment terms.
 The claim recommendation rule can also be used as an automatic insurance claim assessment rule.
②Generation of a custom-made form for each customer from the reception information.
 It is possible to limit the required documents and the required fields, which reduces the burden on the customer and enables flawless business operations.

After Introduction