Credit & Consumer Credit
- Credit Card Admission Screening and Credit Limit Monitoring Solutions

The business system, which utilizes an image workflow system,
will improve the efficiency of operations by increasing the rate of automated screening and freeing format inspections from the need for skilled workers.

Improvement of automatic screening rate and automation of formality checks through the use of image workflow
Acceleration of management decision-making through flexible response to screening logic
Reduction of man-hours and shortening of work time by utilizing image workflow

Solution Overview

Primagest's card enrollment screening and credit limit monitoring solutions utilize image technology, BRMS, and BPM to increase the automated screening rate and free format inspections from the need for skilled workers, thereby improving operational efficiency. After deployment, changes in screening standards can be achieved quickly and at low cost. Utilization of the simulation function allows for flexible changes to be made in response to changes in society overall and in management policy.

[Automated Examination Improvement and Format Inspection]
By externalizing the screening logic and implementing it in BRMS, the screening criteria can be changed quickly and at low cost, without relying on the core system. By combining image technology and BPM, BRMS can streamline even the most time-consuming format inspections of application forms.

[Simulation Function]
By implementing the screening logic in the BRMS and utilizing transaction history data, risk simulations for criteria changes are possible. The impact of a change in screening criteria can be easily explained to management, which speeds up the decision-making process. In addition, by combining with BI, it is possible to further express the data graphically.

[Process Management]
By combining image and BPM, the progress of work can be visualized on the system, and progress and productivity can be checked by centralized management. The number of deficiencies and their status can be immediately ascertained, thereby supporting planned personnel allocation.

We solve these challenges

Host modification incurs high costs, and automatic screening rates drop
Implementation of screening logic into BRMS to reduce costs and improve automatic screening rate
Simulation work for impact study when review logic is changed is complicated.
BRMS facilitates changes in audit logic and speeds up management decision-making
Management of deficiencies and making of inquiries are laborious
Reduction of work man-hours and shortening of work period by using images and BPM tools

Solution Details

Automatic Screening Improvement and Format Check Automation


When the screening logic is implemented on the host, even minor modifications such as changes in usage limits, etc., require significant costs to implement, including impact studies. BRMS can change the screening logic at low cost and in a short period of time.
In many cases, past application forms are sent in, requiring format checks of a huge number of patterns. Therefore, format inspections are a human resource-intensive task. BRMS provides an environment where anyone can do the work by navigating inspections each application form.

Simulation Function


In order to incorporate credit strategies into the PDCA cycle, the ability to create free screening logic and simulation functions are necessary. Primagest has functions to support credit strategy design and evaluation analysis, allowing for flexible simulation.

After introduction