The Saikyo Bank, Ltd.
Adopting a Package to Improve the Efficiency of Filing Operations in Seven Months

The Saikyo Bank, a regional bank headquartered in Shunan City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, has been actively improving operational efficiency by transitioning its core systems to the cloud and by offering a passbook-free account which eliminates the need to issue paper passbooks. To strengthen its consulting business, the bank is focusing on reducing the administrative burden placed on its branches. As part of this effort, The Saikyo Bank has succeeded in significantly streamlining administrative processing at its headquarters by introducing Primagest's ImageValue20 in its operations center. We interviewed the General Manager of the Business Promotion Department, Mr. Tatsuya Fujii, and his deputy, Ms. Mina Shimada, about the background to the introduction, its effects, and the reasons behind the short time of less than seven months between the initial study and the start of operations.

Background and Issues

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    Burdened with administrative work due to processing and storage of forms at each branch

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    Consolidated forms to the head office, thereby centralizing administrative work

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    Invested man-hours gained by improving administrative efficiency into strengthening sales capabilities

Active BANK: A bank that revitalizes communities; Communication BANK: A bank that values communication with customers; Trend BANK: A bank that anticipates and creates solutions for the needs of the times. Based on the basic principle of "ACT-BANK," which is a combination of the above three words, the Saikyo Bank's corporate message is "For your tomorrow - ACT FOR YOU."